Melisa Carroll


Once upon a time there was a little girl. She was silly, smart, and very kind. She loved dancing and zebras and chicken nuggets and Disney. She had a wonderful family who loved her very much and her life was full of joy. 

Soon after she received her first Communion, she fell ill. Several months later, she was diagnosed with a rare malignant brain tumor. With a faith that can only be described as childlike, she faced her suffering with joy. A smile was ever-present on her face and there was a gentle light in her eyes.

Her parents, hoping to update her friends and family of her condition and ask for prayer, started a webpage. It is here where the story of a sick little girl became much more. Her story spread. And as it spread, so did grace. People from all over the world were inspired by her. Her steadfast joy, in spite of intense suffering, renewed their faith and softened their hearts. 

Her journey had many valleys and summits, but ultimately it led her home. At the age of 12, Jesus called her to His side. She, and anyone who knew her, did not doubt that she was with the One who was the cause of her joy. But her story didn’t end there. 

At her funeral, which was attended by over a thousand people, the priest said, “We are at the funeral of a Saint.” And every heart there knew the words he had spoken to be true. Almost immediately after her passing, her family began to hear of answered prayers and beautiful blessings received through her intercession.

This girl’s name was Bridget. I was blessed to be able to know and love her. The other day, as I was muddling through a frustrating afternoon full of little grievances, Bridget popped into my head. I remembered her sweet smile and the way she peacefully accepted suffering. I remembered how brave and selfless she was. And then I sat up a little straighter, took a deep breath, and resolved to do what Bridget did so well: “Live every day with joy.” It was, and is, her catch-phrase and for me it has been an anchor in the hardest of times. 

And it’s also why I wanted to share her story with you, Be Love Revolutionaries. I often find myself thinking that Sainthood involves epic miracles and martyrdom, but more often than not, it is choosing holiness and Him every day. It is choosing joy and love in the big things, but especially in the little things. Bridget didn’t do anything that extraordinary. But that didn’t mean that she wasn’t extraordinary. She was. And it certainly didn’t stop the Lord from doing something extraordinary with her story. 

You can be a Saint. I can be a Saint. It’s as simple as choosing to live every day with joy. 

Bridget the Brave, pray for us.


